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Subscribe Biotech Premium (Corporate)

Bioshares Premium Subscription.
By subscribing to this service, listed biotech companies can ensure secured research and analysis of their companies in this biotech investment publication, and importantly, this will remain an independent service.

As the number of biotech companies listed on the ASX has expanded from less than 30 in 1999 to over 150 today, it is becoming increasingly difficult to provide comprehensive and timely analysis of this sector under the current structure.

Wider and more comprehensive analysis
Listed biotech companies that take out a Bioshares Premium subscription (formerly Bioshares Corporate) will receive wider and a more comprehensive guaranteed level of coverage. Premium subscribers will immediately gain copyright access to any articles covering their company.

Specifically, Bioshares Premium Subscribers will receive a minimum of:

  • One major analysis each year, between but not limited to 1200 – 1500 words
  • Two updates each year, between 600 – 800 words in length each
  • Immediate copyright access to all Bioshares articles that feature the subscribing company in a PDF extract format
  • Distribution of weekly Bioshares for employees and directors for 12 months
  • Publication of analysis on the Bioshares website, freely available to all investors

Independence established and will be maintained
Our independence has been established and acknowledged over 20 years through publishing what we believe is a widely respected investment newsletter. Independence remains crucial to our objectives in providing accurate investment advice to subscribers. It is also important to maintain this independence for the biotech companies we follow, as we believe the analysis in Bioshares will continue to be respected and well received by institutional and retail investors.

Set terms and conditions & subscription form
To accept this offer, companies will be required to accept set terms and conditions, acknowledging that Bioshares maintains full analysis independence and that we can and will place a Buy, Hold or Sell recommendations on a particular stock reflecting the results from our company research. The terms and conditions of this service form can be viewed on the Subscription Form.

Non-Premium companies will still be covered
We will also continue to cover companies that do not subscribe to this service. We will list the companies on the rear page of each edition that have become Premium Subscribers.

Bioshares reserves the right to decline Bioshares Premium Subscription applications.
If you have any questions regarding this service, please call Mark Pachacz on 0403 850 425 or email: